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【人教课标选修9】Unit 2 Sailing the oceans

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 Unit 2   Sailing the oceans

Period one : Warming up and Pre-reading

Aim :

To train the student’s ability of listening and speaking .

Contents :

I  Warming up and Pre-reading

1> Introduce the history of sailing the oceans , and ask who are famous in sailing the oceans in history .

2>  Let students lock at the pictures and answer the questions

(1)    What is a navigator ?

(2)    Look at these famous people .Are they navigators or explorers ?

What do you know about them ?

(3)    Can you identify these early navigational instruments seamen used and explain how they are used ? (Picture 2)

    a _________

    b _________

    c __________

    d __________

(4)    Which do you think was easier to work out :latitude or longitude ?

(5)    Which ones do you think are still used today ?

(6)  what is the difference between a navigator and an explorer ?

(7)  how do you think seaman found their way before modern accurate methods of navigation were invented?

Now read about what navigation was like before modern instruments were used.

II listening and speaking

1>     Listen to the tape and fill in the chart

Sailors form

Sea or Ocean




Used the sky to find


Their way


2>     Use the information form the listening to explain these sailing strategies .



Period two: reading

Aim :

Let students master some language points and understand the text .

Contents : Reading : sailing the oceans

1>     Answer some questions about the text

1.       How many ways the passage tells us to keep alongside the coastline .

2.       When can the sailors use the sun to navigate by ?

3.       What was the first instrument to measure the sun’s position .

4.       What proved to be the most accurate and reliable of these earth navigational instruments ?

5.       When did seamen begin to use the compass ?

2>     Language points :

1.       voyage : n. long  journey ,  by sea or in space

2.       mercy : n. kindness ; forgiveness

phr : at the mercy of : under the control of 任由… …的摆布

without mercy 毫不留情地

The beat was at the mercy of the rapid river .

     For mercy ‘s sake 请发慈悲

For Cod’s sake

3.       nowhere adv .not anywhere 无处

eg : I went nowhere 不知来自哪里,以不知名状态

go nowhere vi 无所成,进行得不顺利

get sb nowhere 某某事对某人无帮助、元效

4.       reference n. act of mentioning ; act of looking at for information .

phr : (1) have reference to 和… …有关系

(2) in reference to 关于

(3) make (a) reference to 说到 谈到

        (4) reference book 参考书刊号

        (5) reference material 参考资料

        (6) with reference to 关于 就… …而论 whit reference to the context

vi  refer:  refer to (a) 指的是 (b)参考 (c) 提到 谈到

       refer to A as B 将A称为B

    eg : Are you referring to me ?

        In his speech, he didn’t refer to the problem at all .

        He cooked dinner by referring to a cookbook .

        California is referred to as the “ Golden State .”

5.   survival: n. state of continuing to live 生存、幸存                                                          survive: vt.  sb survive 某人幸存下

    sth survive 某物保留下来

vi.  survive sb by 活得比某人长… …

    survive sth 从… … 中幸存、幸存于…

eg : Only one baby survived the terrible car crash .

The girl survived her parents .

Survivor n. the person or thing of surviving .

6.       dusk n. time before night

          at dusk 在黄昏时刻

Period three : comprehending and language

I Comprehending

Read the passage and answer the following questions .

1 . What is the use of a bearing circle . astrolabe , quadrant or sextant ?(    )

What is the use of a compass ? (   )

A to set the course of the ship

B to measure the position of the ship

C to measure the speed of the ship

D to tell the time

2. Why are speed and time important in working out the longitude of a ship ?

3. Why is the position of the sun and various stars useful for working out latitude ?

4. Suppose you were a sea captain aiming to sail round Africa Discuss in groups.

  (1) what skills would you seek in your sailors ?

(2) what problems would you anticipate for this journey ?

II Learning about language

Do exercises 1 . 2 and 3

Exerise1  Replace the words underlined by ones of similar meaning form the reading passage .

1.       Seeing the dark clouds above him , George hurried for home .

2.       Sailing a boat alone far away form the shore made Flora’s parents worry about her safety .

3.       Clare , would you please put your bicycle next to the others in the shed ?

4.       “Why don’t you plot a more simple rout with the smallest number of spots?” asked Mary .

5.      Setting out on a long journey by sea with unskilled sailors would be dangerous especially if there were no modern navigational instruments .

Exercise2  Find the words form the reading passage that are the opposite of these compound words .

Nowhere  anywhere       download  upload       outward      inward

Reliable  unreliable        seaweed   land flower   shortcoming  strong point


Complete the following paragraph with the words below .

   precise   outward   nowhere   awkward    reference   seaweed

   accelerate mercy     randomly  voyage      alongside   approximate

Samuel the sailor was extremely good at plotting his course using the stars a ________.

One day he was determined to set out on a ________across an unknown sea to an unknown continent . He set out with his instruments so he would not be at the _________ Of the sea . He found on his _______journey a rocky island . It seemed to be covered in nests. Suddenly, as Samuel looked , an enormous bird swooped down and picked him up as if he were a/an ______ parcel . It ______its speed and rose straight up into the air so as to reach the _______place on the rocks where its nest lay. Once there, it shook itself and threw Samuel in the ________ direction of the nest . There seemed to be ______to hide but then he noticed lots of ______ on his left and quickly hid under it . The bird landed nearby and pecked ______ at the rocks . Samuel rolled over swiftly and found himself at the edge of the cliff . He looked down slowly with a beating heart. Below him was his boat lying ______the shore! “How lucky I am!” Samuel thought to himself. He then gave a mighty leap and landed in it. Once inside he could safely sail away.

Period four : Reading  speaking and writing

Aim :  

 to train the student’s ability of listening and speaking and writing

Contents :  some language points

1〉   starvation : n. suffering or death from lack of food die of starvation

starve : vt/vi (使某人)饿死、挨饿

starve sb to death

phr:  starve for sth to do sth

be starved of vt 缺乏……欠缺……

2> gradually :    adj not suddenly

    gradual :    adj happening slowly

eg : a gradual increase in population

Her health is gradually improving

3> tear : vt/vi 撕裂扯破

tear sth

sth from /off /out of… …

adv (away off out up down 连用)

phr  tear apart 拆散、使分离

tear at 用力扯

tear down 扯下、撕毁

tear into 攻击某人、指责

tear off 扯掉、撕掉

tear oneself away from 忍痛离开、分离

tear up 撕裂、撕毁(合同)

4> extreme : adj 1在尽头的

eg : the extreme borders of a country

Stand at the extreme edge of the bank


an extreme case

be in extreme danger


take extreme measures

n. 极端、极端的、措施、手段等

be forced to an unpleasant extreme .

5> thirst :n. 口渴、渴望

a thirst for knowledge

vi 口渴、渴望

     thirst for 渴望某物

          to 渴求做… …

eg : thirst to learn

The story is so gipping ; it makes you thirst for the next episode .

II  Let students write a report  to their leader explaining to him why you think captain Bligh shoulder receive the medal

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