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CAI Demonstration Class


Saving The Earth


October 16,2000

                                         By Zhaoxiang Zhou


I.  Teaching focus


1.Realize the damage caused to the world and figure out the reasons.


2.Find ways to stop the earth from being polluted by discussing in groups.


II.Teaching approaches

Elicitation, Mutual Interaction


III.Teaching aid

Interactive multimedia teaching


IV.Teaching process



Step  1   Revision


1.  Check note-making


Earth: not enough rain, too many cattle, cutting down trees, strong winds


Air:  smoke from factories, power stations, cars, chemical rain, accidents at power stations and factories


Water: waste from factories and cities




Step  2   Presentation


1. Present a series of images depicting the natural beauty of the earth, then the pollution. Highlight the sharp contrast between them. Guide the students to the conclusion: The earth used to be much more beautiful than now; the earth is in danger due to the increasing pollution.


2. Study the map on the textbook, then scan the passages to figure out where on the world atlas the damage has happened. Encourage the students to give out their point of view toward the pollution issue.   




Step  3   Audiovisual Learning


The students watch a video on the text, then do the following true or false questions.


1.     Many parts of the world with large population and plenty of crops have become deserts.   T


2.  Land may become poor if farmers do not limit the numbers of their cattle.   T


3.  Good soil is gradually lost these days as trees are being cut down.    T


4.  Air pollution and water pollution are the two causes of the problem that many parts of the world have become deserts.   F


5.  Chemicals in the smoke from power stations can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling down to the ground in the rain.    F


6.  After a bad accident at a nuclear power station, 50% of the trees in <?Germany were damaged. F


7.  The writer to explain how water is polluted uses the examples of the accidents in both India and Russian.   F


8.  Once oceans are polluted, they are not able to clean themselves.  F



Step  4   Intensive Reading

Read the passages again for some detailed information


1.       To say something about the damage that is caused to the world by pollution, using the information from the text. Try to present possible ways to help solve the problems.
















 The area of desert is growing every year.

 Cattle eat grass.

 Limit the number of the cattle.



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