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Lesson 90教学设计示例










Step 1 Revision

1  Check the dialogues made by the students.

2  Revise all the adjectives learnt, e. g. big / small, long / short, etc .

3  Revise the Present Continuous Tense and all the verbs learnt, e. g. jump, run, swim, etc .

Step 2 Presentation

Divide the class into small groups. In this activity, the students will be drawing a face. Each person should have a blank piece of paper and one color marker that is a different color from the others in the group. For example, one student has a green marker, one has a red one, etc . You are going to give instructions for each student to draw something. For example, when you say Draw a big circle, everyone will draw a circle on their own paper. Then each person will pass their paper to the right to the next student in their group and draw something else until the picture is completed. Give the following instructions:

1  Draw a big circle.

2  Pass your paper to the right.

3  Draw two eyebrows. (Point to your own eyebrows as an example.)

4  Pass your paper to the right.

5  Draw two eyes.

6  Pass your paper to the right.

7  Draw a nose.

8  Pass your paper to the right.

9  Draw a mouth.

10  Pass your paper to the right.

11  Draw two ears.

12  Pass your paper to the right.

13  Draw the hair.

14  Pass your paper to the right.

15  Add something that is missing. For example, earrings, or a moustache , etc . (You may need to say this in Chinese.)

16  Now give your person a name, a job, an age, etc .

17  Describe your person to your group.

As the students are drawing and talking about their person, walk around the class and give help as needed. Make sure they are using English.

Step 3 Describe the people

SB Page 32, Part 1. Using the model, have the students work in pairs to describe the pictures. If time allows, have the students make up stories about the pictures. For example, in Picture 1, The girl is 22 years old. She lives in Harbin . She is very good at singing and dancing. She is now dancing, etc .

Step 4 Presentation

Play “Polly says”, but as the students are doing an action ask what they are doing. For example: Say Polly says “jump ”. As the students are jumping, ask What are we doing? The students answer, We are jumping!

Step 5 Look and say

In pairs have the students tell what is happening in each picture. You may do Picture 1 together to help them get started. Ask What is happening in Picture 1 ? Help the students to answer, Mrs Smith, David and Joy are going to the park. Now let the students discuss the rest of the pictures. Choose several pairs to tell the class their story about the pictures. (Each story may be a little different, but if the story fits the pictures, then it is OK.) Suggested answers:

1  Mrs Smith and her children David and Joy are going to the park. They are happy.

2  They are boating in the middle of the lake.

3  David is eating an apple. Joy is eating bread. They are hungry.

4  They are watching the fish in the water.

5  Oops ! The girl is in the water. Oh dear! She cant swim.

6  Mrs Smith is jumping into the water.

7  Mrs Smith is now swimming to her daughter.

8  David is looking at them. He is worried.

9  Mrs Smith is saving her daughter.

Step 6 Workbook

SB Page 108, Wb Lesson 90, Exx 1-3. Exx . 1 and 2 require the students to complete the passages or dialogue with the given language. Ex. 3 leaves the students more freedom. After they describe the picture, they should write down their description. The best compositions may be displayed on the wall of the classroom.


Write Exx . 1 and 3 in the exercise book.

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Tags:八年级英语教案,初二英语教案,八年级上册英语教案,新目标八年级英语教案,免费教案 - 英语教案 - 八年级英语教案

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