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About your college and Specialty

About your college and Specialty为http://www.170yx.com整理发布,类型为礼仪英语,本站还有更多关于商务礼仪英语,西餐礼仪英语,礼仪英语怎么说,餐桌礼仪英语,求职指南 - 就业指导 - 礼仪英语的文章。

A: What university do you attend?

B: I attend Zhongshan University?

A: When will you graduate from the university?

B: I will graduate this coming July.

A: Are you going to receive any degree?

B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelor of Business Adminstration.

A: Please tell me about the courses you've completed at university.

B: I've completed Marketing Principles, Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics, Psychology, Business English and so on.

A: What is your favorite course?

B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.

如果觉得About your college and Specialty不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

Tags:礼仪英语,商务礼仪英语,西餐礼仪英语,礼仪英语怎么说,餐桌礼仪英语,求职指南 - 就业指导 - 礼仪英语


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