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考研英语阅读理解B型题(十) 下载


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》简介: 考研 - 考研英语[考研英语阅读理解B型题(十)]由[乐教网]提供下载交流学习,版权归原作者所有,大小为1.72 MB,
extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. on the ground floor of a five-story building in rome, italy, a lead-aproned man carefully places a 400-year-old painting on a table. then he steps back and flips the switch of a 50,000 volt x-ray machine. nearby, another painting is being wheeled into a special oven. elsewhere the buzz of a power saw is heard from behind a closed door. two workers are cutting the back off a 500-year-old wood panel painting. such things happen every day at rome's institute of restoration. 1) in terms of art treasures, italy is one of the richest countries in the world. yet until 1939, when italy's government founded the institute, the country's museums had to hire private restorers for cleaning and repair jobs. says doctor urbani, "most of the resto考研英语阅读理解B型题(十)


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