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幼儿英语歌曲捉泥鳅为http://www.170yx.com整理发布,类型为儿歌童谣,本站还有更多关于儿歌童谣资料大全,教学文档 - 儿歌童谣的文章。



The pond water filled the rain also to stop

In the edge of a paddy field thin mud everywhere is the loach

I wait for you to wait for you daily to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach

Calf's elder brother leads him to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach

The pond water filled the rain also to stop

In the edge of a paddy field thin mud everywhere is the loach

I wait for you to wait for you daily to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach

Calf's elder brother leads him to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach

The pond water filled the rain also to stop

In the edge of a paddy field thin mud everywhere is the loach

I wait for you to wait for you daily to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach

Calf's elder brother leads him to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach

Calf's elder brother leads him to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach

Is elder brother good we to seize the loach




天天我等着你 等着你捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅

小牛的哥哥 带着他捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅



天天我等着你 等着你捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅

小牛的哥哥 带着他捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅



天天我等着你 等着你捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅

小牛的哥哥 带着他捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅

小牛的哥哥 带着他捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅

www.170yx.com 如果觉得幼儿英语歌曲捉泥鳅不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

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