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九年级英语期末考试_九年级英语教案为http://www.170yx.com整理发布,类型为九年级英语教案,本站还有更多关于初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,人教版九年级英语教案,免费教案 - 英语教案 - 九年级英语教案的文章。
Listening Test Part (15分)
I. 听句子,选择正确的答语。 (5分)
1. A. Yes, I did B. Yes, I was C. No, he wasn’t
2. A. He was watching TV. B. She was writing a letter. C. They were cleaning the house.
3. A. Yes, I didn’t go to bed until eleven o’clock.
B. No, she went to bed early.
C. He went to bed very late.
4. A. The students were drawing some pictures.
B. I was drawing a panda.
C. He was drawing a horse.
5. A. It happened at ten last night.
B. It happened in front of the radio factory.
C. He hurt his leg.
II. 听对话,选择对话后所提问题的正确答案。 (5分)
6. A. English study. B. Teachers’ Day C. An accident
7. A. A big stone B. A bag C. A car
8. A. No, he wasn’t B. I’m sorry to hear that C. Yes, he was
9. A. Miss Zhao B. The policemen C. Some children
10.A. Wang Ping’s friend B. A young woman C. Wang Ping himself
III.听短文, 完成下列句子。 (5分)
11.Mr. Black thinks there’s much ______ in the city.
12.Mr. Black gets up ______ in the morning.
13.Mr. Black usually goes to work by ______.
14.Mr. Black doesn’t go home for ______.
15.After work Mr. Black does some ______.
Written Test Part (105分)
I. 词汇 (每小题1分, 共15分)
A)单词拼写( 5分)
1. The beautiful West Lake _________(吸引)large numbers of tourists to Hangzhou every year.
2. There was a truck ____________________(收集)the rubbish outside.
3. Thomas Edison was a great American i______________.
4.The paper factory has poured lots of w_____ water into the river. The river has become very dirty.
5. The girl is _______(害怕) to go out alone at night.
B) 用所给的适当形式填空 (10分)

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