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九年级 In the library_九年级英语教案

九年级 In the library_九年级英语教案为http://www.170yx.com整理发布,类型为九年级英语教案,本站还有更多关于初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,人教版九年级英语教案,免费教案 - 英语教案 - 九年级英语教案的文章。


1. 词汇

A. 单词

  四会: several, yet, on, reading room, return, polite, politely, star,

everywhere, pay (paid, paid), before, ever,

  三会: dictionary, shelf (shelves), anywhere, helpful, pity, history

B. 词组/句型

have got = have
in the school library

on the shelf
find + n./pron. + prep.短语

five minutes ago
in the reading room

on time
work at one‘s desk

borrow sth. from sb
pay for sth

at that moment
Please be more careful.

from now on
never …before

Not at all.
speak to sb

foreign music
travel on a train

hours ago

2. 日常用语

 * Excuse me. Have you got … ?

 * Sorry. I haven’t got one.

 * Sorry. We haven‘t got any at the moment.

 * Have you seen it anywhere?

 * I’m so glad.

 * Excuse me, have you got any … ?

 * I‘ve looked for it everywhere.

 * I can’t find it anywhere.

 * What a pity!

 * Please be more careful from now on!

 * I‘ve never lost a book before.

 * It won’t happen again.

 * Have you ever made dumplings?

 * I‘ve just done my homework.

 * Has he returned his library book yet?

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