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牛津英语中考阅读理解实战演练 大自然 下载


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相关Tags:中考英语试题   牛津 英语 中考 实战 大自然 ,中考英语试题,中考英语试卷,中考英语复习资料,中考英语试题及答案


》简介: 中考试题 - 中考英语试题[牛津英语中考阅读理解实战演练 大自然]由[乐教网]提供下载交流学习,版权归原作者所有,大小为5.31 MB,
……然篇   Passage 1   We know that many animals do not stay in one place. Birds, fish and other animals move from one place to another at a certain time. They move for different reasons: most of them move to find food more easily, but others move to get away from places that are too crowded.   When cold weather comes, many birds move to warmer places to find food. Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. The most famous migration (迁移) is probably the migration of fish, which is called “salmon”. This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water. There it spends its life. When it is old, it returns to its birthplace in fresh water. Then it gives birth and dies. In northern Europe, there is a kind of mouse. They leave their mountain homes when the……牛津英语中考阅读理解实战演练 大自然



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