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想找一份满意的工作吗? 面试中面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问, 有没有觉得心慌意乱、无所适从?求职过程中面试尤为重要,回答问题,如果能简明扼要,真诚中肯,合乎.....英语面试
 在人生的职业生涯中,进入外企就意味着高薪、好的福利、国际前景,是无数才众努力的目标之一。 然而,面对考官的英语测试,即便是职场资深人士也会有些心惊胆.....英语面试
 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a cont.....英语面试
职场英语:英文面试过关第一要招如果你获得了第一轮英文面试(The first round English interview)的机会,预示着你梦想的职位正向你招手,这轮面试的分量可想而知.....英语面试
1. I should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired. 如获面试,则感幸甚,如需保证人,本人也可提出。 2. I solicit t.....英语面试
大凡找工作的人,都有对面试的担心,而英语面试最令人头痛。面试气氛总是紧张的,一紧张就容易出错,中文“台词”都会结巴,何况英语!  可俗话说,养兵千日,.....英语面试
Q:Why do you want to work here? A:I lost a bid several years ago to your company.I realized then that products in the computer industry are becoming.....英语面试
Q:What particular aspect of the company interests you most? A:I am most interested in your Latin American developments.My father was an army officer.....英语面试
Q:Tell me what you think our distinctive advantage is with in the industry. A:With your low cost producer status and headquarters operation in a low.....英语面试
不管是国企还是外企在招聘时都非常看重应聘者的英语交际能力,公司往往通过英语面试,对应聘者的英语交际能力进行考查。 北京新东方学校面试口语课老师冯颙,给.....英语面试
 Q:What other firms are you interviewing with,and for whatpositions? A:Actually,I ve definitely decided to pursue a career as a restaurant manager,.....英语面试
 Q:Why are you ready to leave your current job? A:My interest lies in returning to the banking industry.I can work in human resources management in.....英语面试
Q:What would you do if one of our competitors offered you a position? A:I d say no.I m not interested in other players in this industry. I want to w.....英语面试
 Q:What have you learned about our company from customers,employees,or others? A:I actually called several of the key accounts mentioned in your br.....英语面试
 Q:Where do you think we re the most vulnerable as a business? A:Your cash position and strong product presence make you an attractive target for a.....英语面试
 Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在两分钟內自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!)  A: With my qualifications and experience, I fee.....英语面试
 Q:What would you do differently if you ran the company? A:I might investigate whether to sell off the light manufacturing businesses and start an .....英语面试
大凡找工作的人,都有对面试的担心,而英语面试最令人头痛。面试气氛总是紧张的,一紧张就容易出错,中文“台词”都会结巴,何况英语!  可俗话说,养兵千日,.....英语面试
 说明离职原因Reasons for leaving 1. My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading. 本.....英语面试
 Q: What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?  (你对目前或从前的工作单位有何贡献?) A: I have finished three ne.....英语面试
 一、回避硬伤的三项注意事项 当面试进入一定阶段,有的企业根据需要,可能会加上英文面试,能到这个阶段,也预示着你正向梦想的职位最后冲刺,这轮面试的分量.....英语面试
南方网讯 面试在求职过程中,可以说是压力最大的一个环节。面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问,如果能回答得从容不迫、简明扼要,恰当中肯,而且合乎老外的口味,那么.....英语面试
建议一:精心设计一个自然的开场白。例如:  C(考官):May I come in?(我能进来吗?)  I(应聘者):Yes, please. Oh, you are Jin Li, aren’t you?.....英语面试
英语面试时有一些常用的技巧,下面向同学们介绍一下: BRIEF INTRODUCTION 简介开场白(prolusion)有可能决定整个面试的基调。所谓“前三分钟定终身”,即你给.....英语面试
 对于许多求职者来说,应聘外企职位的一个重要障碍是如何过好应用这道关。  学校里的应用教育在听与说上的培训普遍比较薄弱,即使不少已经在外资企业锻炼过一段.....英语面试
 1、 能用英语自我介绍吗? Could you introduce yourself in English? 2、 您是如何培训本部门员工的? How do you train the staff of your department?.....英语面试
 "work experience" is the type of work you''ve done in the past. If you haven''t started working yet you can say "Right now I''m still a student." or.....英语面试
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