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考研英语知识运用模拟试题及答案(五) 下载


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》简介: 考研 - 考研英语[考研英语知识运用模拟试题及答案(五)]由[乐教网]提供下载交流学习,版权归原作者所有,大小为4.13 MB,
e result of 2 attraction and affection 3 than practical considerations. in the united states, parents do not arrange marriages for their children . teenagers begin 4 in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social 5 . though young people feel 6 to choose their friends from 7 groups, most choose a mate of similar background. this is 8 in part to parental guidance. parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually 9 choices by 10 disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable. 11 ,marriages between members of different groups(interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater 12 of today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by 13 prejudices than their parents. many young peop考研英语知识运用模拟试题及答案(五)



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