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六年级英语作文:Little Lucy

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One day, mother said, “Lucy, your grandmother is ill, you take some apples to your grandmother.” Lucy said, “Ok!” A wolf was listening out side the door.

The wolf went to the grandmother’s home. The wolf knocked at the door. Grandmother said, “Who is that?” “It’s little Lucy.” Grandmother said, “Come in.” The wolf got into the house. Grandmother found a wolf said, “ Help!” then grandmother ran away. But the wolf did not chase Lucy’s grandmother.

The wolf got into the bed and put on grandmother’s hat. Then Lucy came, she knocked the door. The wolf said, “Who is that?” “It’s little Lucy.” The wolf said, “Come in.” Lucy got into the house. She said, “grandmother, why are your ears so long? Why are your eyes so big? Why is your mouth so big?” When Lucy was getting closer, she found out it was a wolf. She said, “Help!” and ran out. Lucy saw her father and said, “Father, help, there is a wolf in the house!” Father rushed into the house and killed the wolf with a knife. Lucy’s father helps grandmother into the bed again.

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