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医科大学毕业生英文自荐信为http://www.170yx.com整理发布,类型为英文自荐信,本站还有更多关于英文自荐信范文英文求职信英文自我介绍英文自荐信格式,求职指南 - 求职信 - 英文自荐信的文章。
Dear leaders:
        I am a professional Medical University College of Pharmacy graduates in 2009, the University adopted the stringent requirements of teachers and their own efforts, I have a glorious Communist Party members. University of better life, I have a solid professional knowledge, I love my profession and put their great enthusiasm and energy and a large number of extra-curricular reading books to enrich their professional knowledge, with a good command of English listening , speaking, reading and writing ability in English through the secondary grades 4 and computer examinations. Inside and outside the classroom to expand the broad range of social practice, a solid foundation of knowledge and a broader vision, so I know more about the society in which learning and work to develop rigorous, practical working style and excellent quality of unity and cooperation.
In school, I served as student leaders, faculty organizations to participate actively in various social groups and organized many large classes, faculty activities, and accumulated rich experience by teachers and students alike. This is the cultivation of good communication of my ability, so I know how to live in harmony with people, so I am a more pragmatic and more a sense of responsibility.
        Looking for a solid grasp professional knowledge and ability to work with some of his subordinates and organizational capacity, is your desire. For a full play to their professional expertise to work unit, and can get your attention, I hope; powerful assistant, help you to work to one's liking; appropriate work units, help me to display their talent.
        Urge the leadership to consider giving me a chance, I would like your organization and give their youth and talent.


Tags:英文自荐信,英文自荐信范文英文求职信英文自我介绍英文自荐信格式,求职指南 - 求职信 - 英文自荐信


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