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数学系本科毕业生英文自荐信为http://www.170yx.com整理发布,类型为英文自荐信,本站还有更多关于英文自荐信范文英文求职信英文自我介绍英文自荐信格式,求职指南 - 求职信 - 英文自荐信的文章。
Distinguished school leaders:

     Hello! First of all, your hard work to extend our deep respect! At the same time, also thank you for your busy schedule to read my Self down material.

    张明强My name is XXX Department of Mathematics Institute of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics graduates this year. On the occasion of careers, I, with a sincere heart and the pursuit of education, in good faith recommend your own.

    University for four years, I have at all times in accordance with the "wide professional, thick foundation, strong capacity, high-quality" standards and the development of self-training. Learning, hard work, I successfully completed the school of mathematical analysis, advanced algebra, education and other courses, each subject to achieve good results are more than can be said to be engaged in educational work with the relevant knowledge available to a considerable degree of understanding and master. In education during the internship, the full performance of a high overall quality, active-depth classes, the careful study of teaching, with an open mind to seek division, made rapid progress in the teaching of writing on the blackboard, lesson plans, such as try to figure out more, and further mastered the secondary school students learning and psychological laws. Believe that a competent secondary school mathematics education.

     "Lofty towers are all built from the ground", so I for Teachers of Health ", then the words of a" particular emphasis on basic skills. Through our efforts, I successfully passed the National Test of Putonghua;勤练usually insist on calligraphy, pen and words, especially chalk. After school, I also network through various media such as books and magazines covered the various aspects of the continued expansion of knowledge.

     In addition, I also took part in the Calligraphy Association of Schools and to close down outstanding achievements. First-year students will serve as Director-General of Hospitals, the second grade with my classmates and I created a chess associations, as deputy president, made through these exercises I have strong management capabilities, ability to plan the activities of organizations and interpersonal skills. Because of high academic achievers, was named colonel "Miyoshi students" and "outstanding members."
     Finally, I sincerely wish your school career success,桃李满天下! Look forward to your good news!


Tags:英文自荐信,英文自荐信范文英文求职信英文自我介绍英文自荐信格式,求职指南 - 求职信 - 英文自荐信

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