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2009年12月四级听力部分A卷答案为http://www.170yx.com整理发布,类型为英语四六级考试,本站还有更多关于四六级考试辅导,英语四六级历年真题,大学英语四级词汇,考试文库 - 外语考试 - 英语四六级考试的文章。
11. D. She has lost contact with most of her friends

  12. A. A painter

  13. C. Make inquiries elsewhere

  14. C. He has gained some weight lately

  15. D he doesn’t like abstract paintings

  16. B she may have put her notebook amid the journals

  17. A she wants to get some sleep

  18. B his chance of getting the job is slim

  19. A. he can manage his time more flexibly

  20. D. searching the website

  21 D. to utilize its retired employees’ resources

  22. C. See a piece of property

  23. B It is a small one with a two –bedroom house

  24. C. it may not be big enough for raising corn

  25. A. Finance

  26. A. to introduce the chief of the city’s police force

  27. D he holds a master’s degree in criminology

  28. B. to get police officers closer to the local people

  29. C. effective

  30 .B. there are numerous languages in existence

  31. C it is something we are born with

  32. D how children learn to use language

  33. B she was an engineer

  34. C. adjusting them to different audience

  35. A whether spacemen carry weapons

  36. trend

  37. phenomenon

  38 scene

  39 offences

  40 murder

  41 particularly

  42 explosion

  43 Associated

  44. changing national boarders, greater economic growth and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong

  45. are now facing the sort of cultural variety that has been accompanied Americans for most of its history.

  46. failure to recognize and plan for diversity can lead to serious crime problems.

大学英语四六级在线辅导培训\考试报名\成绩查询词汇\阅读\辅导\真题\大纲\培训\作文\听力\完型www.170yx.com的【双十佳】 如果觉得2009年12月四级听力部分A卷答案不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

Tags:英语四六级考试,四六级考试辅导,英语四六级历年真题,大学英语四级词汇,考试文库 - 外语考试 - 英语四六级考试

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